CRA Window Exploratory Dashboard - GW Regulatory Studies Center

Congressional Review Act (CRA) Window Exploratory Dashboard

All final rules

Section 3(f)(1) Significant rules

Other Significant rules

The Congressional Review Act (CRA) “lookback window” refers to the period starting 60 working days (either session days in the Senate or legislative days in the House of Representatives) before the current session of Congress adjourns and ending the day the subsequent session of Congress first convenes. Rules that are published in the Federal Register and submitted to Congress during that time period are made available for review in the subsequent session of Congress. Due to the retrospective calculation of the window, lookback window dates prior to Congress adjourning are inherently estimates. Based on the published Congressional calendar for the second session of the 118th Congress, the current lookback window date estimate is May 22, 2024. This dashboard allows users to explore how different lookback window dates would affect the set of rules available for congressional review.

"Section 3(f)(1) significant" rules are regulations that meet the criteria in Section 3(f)(1) of Executive Order 12866, as amended by Executive Order 14094, referring to those with an estimated annual effect on the economy of $200 million or more. "Other significant" rules are regulations that meet the other criteria in Section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, as amended by Executive Order 14094, such as those creating inconsistency with other agencies' actions, altering certain budgetary impacts, or raising legal or policy issues pertaining to the president's priorities.

Rule data are retrieved daily from the Federal Register API, which publishes new editions of the Federal Register each business day.

© 2024 GW Regulatory Studies Center. See our page on the Congressional Review Act for more information.